Getting to know the world of programmers

At the age of 16 I started to reach out to fellow programmers, remotely. Programmers from all over the world. I wanted to learn more, and faster. Not only technical experiences, but also soft skills like communication and relationships. I found a lot of like minded people on Instagram, so I created a Whatsapp group (100-200 members) and gathered programmers from all ages all over the world. I realized we were all on route to the same destination, just with a different story. I met these two amazing developers, Ashween from India and Victor from Nigeria. Both very experienced in their own field of work. They taught me to handle certain things in a way that would be considered best practice. For example, most beginners use the master branch as the only git branch to push to. But there are many git workflows. Such as the following: staging, develop, master.

I try to stay in touch with other programmers, by talking or collaborating on some projects or ideas.